Monday, November 15, 2010


This is some history on the married couple of denim :

Sarah and Victor Lytvinenko met in high school, when they attended Saint Mary’s and Enloe, respectively. They began dating, and after spending a few years in New York and Europe learning the fashion scene they returned to Raleigh with Sarah determined to finish her design degree at N.C. State. She was in the middle of assembling a line for Art to Wear when Victor’s denim project seduced her.

One thing led to another, and Verses Jeans was born. (The name changed to Raleigh Denim last summer). The two married in October 2008, and today they’re making jeans—and history—full-time in a studio on Bloodworth Street. New Raleigh met them there Friday evening before they headed out to the Rosebuds show. Sarah was wearing boots over Raleigh Denim jeans and an old black L.A. Raiders t-shirt, with her hair down long and straight. Victor, wearing cuffed Raleigh Denim jeans with an old White Horse Tavern t-shirt, remarked that he was missing his usual hat since he’d showered that morning.

Other than a piano and a Luke Buchanan painting that was given to them as a wedding present, the studio was packed with old-fashioned sewing machines and shelves of denim scraps. Victor and Sarah just hired their first two employees and are currently handsewing 700 pairs of men’s jeans for Barneys, where Raleigh Denim debuted in February. In the fall, the jeans will appear in 8 additional Barneys stores nationwide.

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